And how long will these 18 lakh people continue to lead such precarious lives, where they face daily uncertainties about how many meals they and their children can have? About when they can afford to seek medical treatment for their own ailments, as well as those of their loved ones? What haunts them at night? Is it the extreme difficulties they face day in and day out, or the complete lack of empathy they see from our "elite" class, which is driving our "development" model and is depriving us all of what these slum dwellers consider to be the foundational building block of what it means to be human?

These were the stories that haunted me that night, as well as the distressed faces of these supposed "ghosts." If knowing about their suffering made sleep difficult, I wondered how the suffering itself would feel. To them, these are not just stories; they are their daily realities—which these human beings have to live through every day."What sort of a country have we created? People no longer care for others. Is this development and progress?" he asked. This was not how things used to be, he lamented, adding that all discussions, whether about the elections or politics, are irrelevant as long as they do not centre around people. Most people like him have become invisible. They have become like ghosts to the rich and powerful, who are the only ones benefiting from the direction the country is headed.


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"What sort of a country have we created? People no longer care for others. Is this development and progress?" he asked. This was not how things used to be, he lamented, adding that all discussions, whether about the elections or politics, are irrelevant as long as they do not centre around people. Most people like him have become invisible. They have become like ghosts to the rich and powerful, who are the only ones benefiting from the direction the country is headed.These were the stories that haunted me that night, as well as the distressed faces of these supposed "ghosts." If knowing about their suffering made sleep difficult, I wondered how the suffering itself would feel. To them, these are not just stories; they are their daily realities—which these human beings have to live through every day.